fredag 9 mars 2012

Betting in Poker – The Poker Bet

When you are betting in poker you want to communicate either that you have the winner hand, or that the poker bet is forced and that you will lie down your card if you meet any resistance. Either you want your opponent fold or you want him to follow you for another betting round. Your betting strategy is mostly efficient built on the simple rules; bet when you have a good hand and fold with a weak hand. But to confuse your opponents you need to mix it up some, and when you have read their game you will know when to bet even with a weak hand. Remember that everybody plays the same game; you can be the one that have been read if you don’t watch out. Don’t underestimate your opponents!

Poker Betting at the Blinds

You can make some good money by stealing the blinds, the firs forced bet can many times be easily won when you are poker betting at the blinds. If you are in late position in poker you will have a perfect opportunity to grab the money at the table, this part of the betting round is where normally most of the players fold. Stealing the blinds won’t build your bankroll in an effective way but it can be easy money if you are in right position. But don’t use the same move every round if other players checked, they will figure out that you are stealing blinds and start to reraise your bet. Steal when you have a decent hand that can turn into something good or when, this is called semi-bluffing.

Check Raising the Bet in Poker

Check raising the bet in poker is a strategy to make your opponent follow your bet in a game, make him add more to the pot for you to win. Basically you are trying to make him feel safe with his hand and confident that you do not have a too strong hand. Make him believe that you are limping your way through the game to see where it ends up, bluff him to add more to the pot and then strike hard.

Doubling Up the Bet in Poker

When you are ready to go heads-up in limit poker use the double up; you check and double the bet. This move will get rid of the limpers in the game and put you face to face with the ones who truly believe that they can win the pot. This move a calls all players to show how much they believe in their hands or how much they are ready to risk by bluffing.

Squeezing the Poker Bet

When you use Squeezing in your no limit/pot limit strategy you simply squeeze one player out by betting hard at another from late possition. For example if one player raise and the other calls; you bet harder over both of them. If your poker strategy works the first player will be intimidated by your bet and fold; he is out of position against two players and will do best to fold. You also have a better position against the second player, but he could be sitting on a killer hand so don’t make this move automatically. You need to choose the right time for this move or it will cost you some money!

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