fredag 30 mars 2012

Online Poker Etiquette - Poker Etiquette Tips

Below you will find some online poker etiquette rules that are eider in the written poker room rules, or unspoken, when you play poker online. Sometimes it can be tempting to provoke your opponents to get them to TILT; but there are rules for how far you can go. As a beginner player it can be hard to know where the line goes so we put together this little guide for you. Follow these poker etiquette tips and avoid getting removed, or blocked, from your favorite poker site:

· Choose a nickname/user name that is not to offensive or demeaning.

· Poker rooms usualy have a 'no tolerance' rule for abusive language. All chat is logged, and players can be removed from the site with no refund allowed.

· Treat other players the way you would feel ok to be treated.

· When using the chat function, use English only.

· Do not discuss a hand while it is still being played.

· If you need to excuse yourself, click on the 'post and fold' button to avoid making other players wait for you to time out of your turn.

· If another player appears to be lagging, bring it to his or her attention in a kind manner. Often the player is not aware of the situation.

· If observing a table, respect the players' wishes if they ask you to stop chatting.

· There will be times when players do not want to be interrupted and players' wishes take preference over observers'.

· If you wish to talk to a player who is involved in a pot, wait until the pot is over.

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